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Back belt, otherwise called â€Å"back support belt† is a lightweight, versatile belt worn around the midriff. It gets well know...

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Edgar Allan Poes Writing Style - 598 Words

Master of suspense and horror, Edgar Allan Poe is known for his Gothic writing style, as demonstrated in two of his well-known short stories, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† His style is created by his use of punctuation, sentence structure, word choice, imagery, and tone. First off, punctuation-wise, dashes, exclamation marks, semicolons, and commas are a favorite of Poe. All this is shown in the first sentence of â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†, â€Å"True!—nervous—very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad?† The dashes take the place of a comma, semicolon, or parentheses—and add side comments or show a change in the train of thought. On the other hand, he uses semicolons and commas to lengthen a sentence, usually by joining multiple clauses, phrases, and sentences. Last of all, his use of exclamation marks shows the characters’ state of mind, thoughts, and emot ions. Poe’s use of punctuation plays a large role in his style. Like how punctuation contributes to writing technique, so does sentence structure and variety. Generally, Poe’s sentences are long and complex. His sentences include semicolons, dashes, and commas to link ideas and phrases together. They range in length depending on their function; usually, description has longer sentences than action. By comparing the narrator’s reaction to the old man’s corpse, â€Å"The old man was stone, stone dead†, and Montresor’s depiction of the catacombs, â€Å"At last we arrived at a deepShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Edgar Allan Poes Writing Style Essay776 Words   |  4 PagesA virtuoso of suspense and horror, Edgar Allan Poe is known for his Gothic writing style. His style is created through his use of punctuation, sentence structure, word choice, tone, and figurative language. Punctuation-wise; dashes, exclamation marks, semicolons, and commas are a favorite of Poe. His sentences vary greatly; their structures are influenced by punctuation. Much of his word choice set the tone of his works. Figurative language colors his writings with description. Such is observed inRead MoreWhat Influenced Edgar Allan Poes Writing Style?771 Words   |  4 PagesWhat Influenced Edgar Allan Poe’s Writing Style? Edgar Allan Poe, born in 1809, is a critic, mystery and short story writer, but most importantly a poet. Edgar’s troubled life greatly influenced his works. As a young boy, Edgar loved to compose poems for his loved ones. But as he grew older, Edgar started to experience pains and tragedies in life, causing him to abuse on opium and alcohol. These were scenes behind the years of Edgar’s dark writings. When Edgar was born, his father abandonedRead MoreThe Unique Writing Style in Edgar Allan Poes The Masque of Red Death1828 Words   |  7 Pages Edgar Allan Poe was born in the year of 1809. His father left the family when Poe was an infant, and his mother died when he was three to tuberculosis. It is asserted that â€Å"Poe spent his early adult life in and out of the army, engaging in an ongoing struggle over money with his foster father, and developing the notorious habits of alcoholism and debt† (Milne 233). Soon, he was released from the army because he did not fulfill his duties as a cadet. The U.S. Army decided to allow him to submit hisRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe And The Great Gatsby940 Words   |  4 Pageswould tell their stories by word of mouth, or by hand writing them. There has been many great authors throughout history, with many different styles of storytelling. Some tell their stories by writing poetry, others write fictional novels, and some choice to write factual stories. Another popular way of storytelling is writing short stories. Many authors have written short stories in their time, however none compare to Edgar Allan Poe. Edgar Allan Poe was able to transform events from his own lifeRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe; Fame Inspired by a Tragic Life865 Words   |  4 Pagespoet, Edgar Allan Poe, had been plagued by grief from an early age. He was an amazing poet and author who just happened to have a darker story. Many who have studied this prestigious man feel that his works, though magnificent, were extremely dark. Some believe it was nothing more then a fancy for him to spin such gruesome tales. Others feel his work was manipulated by the misfortune of his past. These people have actually found evidence that agrees with this statement. The works of Edgar Allan PoeRead MoreLiterary Legends: Edgar Allan Poe and Mark Twain777 Words   |  4 PagesLiterary Legends Literature has played a large role in the way we perceive the world and it can affect the way in which we think about things. Edgar Allan Poe along with Mark Twain are two of the most influential authors that our world has ever seen. Their descriptiveness and diction has had a huge impact on their readers for centuries. Poe’s gothic style of writing was very enthralling and suspenseful; it left you wanting to know what was going to happen next. Whereas, Mark Twain was a very humorous authorRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe Revlutionized Literature in the 19th Century665 Words   |  3 PagesEdgar Allan Poe revolutionized the literary world of the nineteenth century. Poe is a well-known author from the early 1800’s, who was part of the dark romanticism movement. While later in life he was a brilliant writer, Edgar Allan Poe faced many problems in his early life. Although Poe experienced death within his family at a young age, the hardships he encountered are thought to have inf luenced his dark writing style. These death inspired elements within Poe’s writing were ahead of their timeRead MoreEdgar Allan Poes Impact on American Literature1379 Words   |  6 PagesEdgar Allan Poe is one of the most influential writers of the horror genre in American history. His horror stories have impacted numerous authors and their stories over the years. Various people have tried to copy his way of writing style, but they have failed to achieve the success he did. Even though Poe is no longer living, his impact on American literature can still be felt today. Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809. Even though Edgar Allan Poe did not growRead MoreAn Analysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Black Cat 1650 Words   |  7 PagesBrittany White Mrs. Bey English 1101 1 April 2015 A Day in the Life Edgar Allan Poe is a very talked about writer. He has a dark, mysterious, gothic writing style. Poe was a troubled man that struggled in a lot of different areas in his life. It is believed that all of Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories were connected to his tragic life events. â€Å"The Black Cat† is one of Edgar’s well-known short stories. It is about a man that endured a series of tragic events. This man was very feminine and his lackRead MoreA Brief Biography of Edgar Allan Poe Essay1192 Words   |  5 PagesKnown for his disturbing and sinister work, Edgar Allan Poe’s writing has captured the attention of readers for almost two centuries. His works and reputation were largely influenced by his childhood, education, adulthood, and struggles with his career, along with his legacy before and after his death. Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809, in Boston, Massachusetts, as being David and Elizabeth Poe’s second child of three. David and Elizabeth were professional theatrical actors in a company

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Black And Black British Diaspora - 2184 Words

Critically examine the ways through which the Black British diaspora has been imagined and represented by the theorisations of Paul Gilroy and others. Why does Gilroy (and others) suggest his notion of ‘The Black Atlantic’ as useful for re-imagining black identities? Introduction This essay will analyse the concept of ‘The Black Atlantic’ by sociologist Paul Gilroy. Written almost 20 years ago, it is an important concept which has been celebrated as instrumental in the re-imagining of black culture. Its framework will be examined by referencing its history and exploring some of its influences from other theorists such as Stuart Hall. Following this contextual background, its impact will be discussed on its significance to the black†¦show more content†¦Challenging the taboo between the integration of white and black, it theorised a new modernity of hybridity in culture over the transatlantic space, shaping a new ‘transnational’ concept. Gilroys theory aimed to get rid of the sociological imagination of ‘race’ and instead appreciate the cultural heritage and influence of people. This spawned new arguments, theories and research, which helped to combine areas in a new age of interdisciplinary subjects; influencing the study of sociology, geography, politics, anthropology, art and many other areas. Gilroy specifically shows a very deep connection to music and creativity, demonstrating how these traits make a profound transformation in society. For example, the evolution of music represents how the deep-rooted pain of black culture has mixed with the romanticised white culture in a hybrid form to create something new. This expressed interest focused on a select few avant-garde individuals, who connected to this African transatlantic blackness and these intellectuals inspired his main concepts such as W.E.B. De Bois’ theory of double consciousness , which Gilroy has added as a subtext to his book. Concentrating on his influence on the state of the black british diaspora, Gikandi (2014: 242) believes that ‘Gilroy provided his readers with a paradigm for thinking about cultural relations outside the

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Interpersonal Communication Skill Of Feedback †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Interpersonal Communication Skill Of Feedback. Answer: The term interpersonal skill refers to the process by which certain people exchange statistics and feelings by face-to-face communication skill (Mishra 2014). It helps to increase certain communication skills like questioning, body language and listening. Interpersonal skill can be of two types: verbal skill and non-verbal skill. Verbal skill is that when two people communicate with each other through tone of voice and non-verbal skill is what two people communicate with each other through gesture, expression or body language. This helps to build up the emotional intelligence within a person. Feedback is one of the essential elements of interpersonal communication skill. Feedback is generally termed as the reactions of the receiver that consists of certain messages and it will help the sender to know the reaction of the receiver. Feedback is very important in any workplace as it is important to provide proper feedback to others. The feedback helps the sender understand the reaction o f the receiver with an intention to develop the standard of communication. According to Baker et al. (2012) in their Feedback and Organizations: Feedback is Good, Feedback-Friendly Culture is Betterand have pointed out certain kinds of organisational feedbacks that are necessary for the interpersonal communication skill (Baker et al. 2013). A valuation regarding those feedbacks has also been made by the authors. According to Jenn Anderson (2015) there are certain positive sides of effective interpersonal communication skills that should be applied in workplaces (Anderson et al. 2015). Good communication skill helps the staffs to get in touch with each other and motivate them to build a good team. Further, communications will help to make all work related matters clear to the employees to avoid common problems and manage diversification. References: Anderson, J., Kuehl, R.A., Drury, S.A.M., Tschetter, L., Schwaegerl, M., Hildreth, M., Bachman, C., Gullickson, H., Yoder, J. and Lamp, J., 2015. Policies arent enough: The importance of interpersonal communication about workplace breastfeeding support.Journal of Human Lactation,31(2), pp.260-266. Baker, A., Perreault, D., Reid, A. and Blanchard, C.M., 2013. Feedback and organizations: Feedback is good, feedback-friendly culture is better.Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne,54(4), p.260. Mishra, K., 2014. Employability skills that recruiters demand.IUP Journal of Soft Skills,8(3), p.50.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Environmental Sustainability in Construction for Low and Zero Carbon

Question: Discuss about theEnvironmental Sustainability in Construction for Low and Zero Carbon. Answer: Introduction Reduction of carbon production from different sections has been overwhelming with different countries setting standards and levels to be attained regarding the reduction of carbon production. The construction industry is a more significant producer of carbon, and various measures have been undertaken to achieve low/zero carbon. Adoption of different design measures to attain the low/zero carbon has been developed in different countries with the aim to accomplish the set standards. One of the key factors which shape the design of the low/zero carbon designs is the climate responsive designs (Giesekam, Barrett, Taylor, Owen, 2014). This design approach relies on the seasons and therefore designing the favourable to ensure structures are mechanically conditioned. Control of the cooling and heating effects on structures in different sections is used to control and attain the low/zero carbon on such locations. Another key strategy used in the evaluation of the low/zero carbon designs is the life-cycle considerations. This approach can monitor the life-cycle of the construction structure from the manufacture of materials, the construction process, and operation of the building and lastly the decommissioning of structures. Renewable energy facilities are used in the construction sites through this measure to achieve the low/zero carbon designs (McKinsey Co., 2009). The models of the low/zero carbon designs in construction sites focus on different aspects such as the selection of materials, innovation in the construction processes,managementof energy consumption and focuses on the recycling and reuse measures. Selection of low carbon construction materials Embodied carbon is one of the major sources of high carbon in the construction industry. The extraction, production and transportation of construction materials can produce carbon and use energy. In the aim to attain low/zero carbon designs in the construction industry, changes and use of alternative materials with lower embodied carbon has been embraced. The materials in construction can account for a total of 19% of the global greenhouse gas (GHG). According to review by Ibn-Mohammed et al., (2013), the embodied carbon from the construction industry is able to account for between 2 and 80% of the carbon emissions. The reduction of materials with high embodied carbon in the construction industry is a major focus. Concrete and steel have been identified to be able to emit a lot of carbon dioxide and therefore inhibiting the reduction of carbon in this industry. Use of timber as an alternative to the steel and carbon is embraced in term of low carbon production during the material pro duction process. Timber occurs naturally and therefore able to produce low/zero carbon to the industry in the manufacturing process (Arup World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), 2012). Timber is considered as a negative carbon producer since it the tree absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere while growing. In addition use of green roof is another critical material selection which enhances the carbon reduction through the change of materials. The insulation membrane for the roof is able to improve the carbon absorption from the construction structure and therefore to improve the attainment of low/zero carbon production. Innovative construction process Construction processes are able to account for 10% of the total carbon production to the environment. These methods include the manufacture of construction materials, their distribution, operations on-site, refurb ad demolition of construction structures and design process. Innovating new measures to offer alternative procedures is key to reduction of the carbon production to the environment in this industry and therefore enhancing the achievement of low/zero carbon production (Royal Academy of Engineering, 2010). Construction processes are critical determinants of the performance of the structures and therefore able to account for the high level of carbon production. Methods such as over-arching of the waste are a crucial process which is ready to lead to the low/zero carbon production in this industry. Resource efficiency is another fundamental process which is targeting the increase of the innovation on the construction processes. The material producers also look at alternative pr oduction method which uses less energy. Management of operative energy consumption and Consumption behaviour More importantly, energy consumption in construction structures is able to account for high carbon production during the structures usage lifetime. The change in the operational energy consumption is a critical measure which has been focused on in the construction industry to attain low/zero carbon production (Sturgis Roberts, 2010). Use of renewable sources within the construction structure is a crucial method which has been embraced lately in the construction industry. The renewable energy sources as the mean of operation energy producers are able to reduce the carbon production of up to 80%. Moreover, more acceptable consumption behaviour is another key strategy aimed at the achievement of the low/zero carbon production. Switching off if some machines when they are not in use leads to the reduction of carbon production within the building structures (Osmani O'Reilly, 2009). Efficient lighting and equipment used within the building is able to reduce the energy use and carbon prod uction. Choice of renewable energy systems Renewable sources of energy are a vital source of replacing the carbon-intense carbon source of energy which has been used in the construction industry. The renewable system choice has proven to be essential in the construction industry has been crucial in the achievement of low/zero carbon targets (Riedy, Lederwasch and Ison, 2011). Use of rooftop solar arrays or photovoltaic (PV) systems is some of key renewable energy systems which have been embraced in the construction industry. Wind turbines have been used to generate required energy in the construction structures. The renewable energy systems are able to trim down the carbon production to the atmosphere. Renewable energy is a critical step in achieving zero carbon emission to the environment. The designs of different zero/low carbon strategies are well aligned with the renewable measures which are in cooperated in the construction structures. Solar access, wind and water sources as some of the key renewable energy sources which has been in cooperated in the construction industry. The use of these sources is aimed at reducing carbon production to the environment. In addition, the choice of the renewable energy system is based on different factors. Some of the key elements include the availability of the renewable energy source within the construction site and the efficiency of the renewable energy measures (Olivier, Janssens-Maenhout and Peters, 2011). All in all these steps are able to enhance reduction of carbon production and improving the achievement of the low/zero carbon to the environment. Other key factors of the choice of the systems include the design orientation and elevation of the renewable energy systems to the buildings. Recycle and reuse Most of the construction materials are in many cases recyclable and reusable. The production of most of the construction materials can attract more carbon production. Eliminating the production process through reuse and recycling can enhance the carbon production and therefore leading to low/zero carbon production (Knoeri, Binder, Althaus, 2011). The use of materials which can be recycled and reused after the structure life cycle have been embraced in the industry to achieve the low/zero carbon production. Use of steel structure which is entirely recyclable has been focused on in the industry to make low/zero carbon production in the industry. The salvage value of steel is estimated to be around 94%, and this ensures that the production rate is reduced (Tam, 2011). Use of steel structure in construction is considered to be sustainable due to the reuse and recycling factors of the materials. Although the manufacturing process is able to produce a lot of carbon which is not healthy, t he reuse and recycling factors enhance their target to achieving low/zero carbon production. Use of recyclable materials which do not lose their construction qualities is a key factor in strengthening the low/zero carbon designs in the construction industry. Timber has as well to some levels utilized as part of the construction industry due to its recycling and reusing factors after the structure cycle-time (Roos, Woxblom, McCluskey, 2010). The reuse and recycling are able to reduce the carbon production for most of the construction materials. Use of these materials has proven to be beneficial for the reduction of carbon in the construction industry and therefore embracing the low/zero carbon designs. Conclusion One of the key measures of enhancing sustainability in the construction industry is through the reduction of the carbon production. Low/zero carbon designs have been implemented in different aspects to achieve the low carbon production from this sector. First, the materials used in the construction industry are the primary source of carbon. Changing the carbon embodied materials to materials with low carbon is one of the significant steps has been taken to achieve the low/zero carbon designs. Innovative processes have been used to enhance the low/zero carbon designs in this industry as well. Changes in the methods have been used to enhance the construction procedures and enhancing the efficiency of energy use while lowering carbon production. Management of operational energy production and consumption is another key is of the design which enhances low/zero carbon production through proper designs. Adoption of appropriate renewable energy measures also plays a key role in achieving lo w/zero carbon design measures. PV is one of the strategies which have been used to enhance the low/zero carbon designs. Lastly, use of materials which are reusable and recyclable is another critical factor which has been used to enhance the low/zero carbon designs in the construction industry. References Arup World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). 2012. Material choice for green buildings. Retrieved from https://www.wbcsdcement.org/pdf/WBCSD_Material choice for green buildings_201201(Jan).pdf Giesekam, J., Barrett, J., Taylor, P., Owen, A. 2014. The greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation options for materials used in UK construction. Energy and Buildings, 78, 202214. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.04.035 Ibn-Mohammed, T., Greenough, R., Taylor, S., Ozawa-Meida, L., Acquaye, A. 2013. Operational vs. embodied emissions in buildingsA review of current trends. Energy and Buildings, 66, 232245. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2013.07.026 Knoeri, C., Binder, C. R., Althaus, H.-J. 2011. Decisions on recycling: Construction stakeholders decisions regarding recycled mineral construction materials. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 55(11), 10391050. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2011.05.018 McKinsey Co. 2009. Pathways to a low carbon economy, version 2 of the global green house gas abatement cost curve, 2009. Retrieved from https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/mckinsey/dotcom/client_service/sustainability/cost%20curve%20pdfs/pathways_lowcarbon_economy_version2.ashx Olivier, J, Janssens-Maenhout, G and Peters, J. 2011. Trends in global CO2 emissions: 2012 report. PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Hague. www.pbl.nl/en Osmani, M., O'Reilly, A. 2009. Feasibility of zero carbon homes in England by 2016: A house builder's perspective. Building and Environment, 44(9), 19171924. Riedy, C, Lederwasch, A and Ison, N. 2011. Defining zero emission buildings review and recommendations: final report. Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council. www.asbec.asn.a Roos, A., Woxblom, L., McCluskey, D. 2010. The influence of architects and structural engineers on timber in construction perceptions and roles. Silva Fennica, 44(5), 871884. doi: 10.14214/sf.126 Royal Academy of Engineering. 2010. Engineering a low carbon built environment. The discipline of Building Engineering Physics. Sturgis, S., Roberts, G. 2010. Redefining Zero: Carbon profiling as a solution to whole life carbon emission measurement in buildings. RICS Research. Tam, V. W. Y. 2011. Rate of reusable and recyclable waste in construction. The Open Waste Management Journal, 4, 2832. doi:10.2174/1876400201104010028

Thursday, November 28, 2019

How Does Jack Become More And More free essay sample

Embroiled Essay, Research Paper Jack, influenced by his household, is going more and more like his household. His household is corrupted and when they lead Jack into their jobs, Jack, as principled but besides bribable, is bit by bit led into the universe of corruptness. Samantha. She bargains and she thinks its all right every bit long as her household members do it, it? s O.K. . Anita. She accepts gifts she didn? T earn uprightly. At the beginning of the drama, before he was corrupted, the idea of a member of the household stealing literally shocked him to decease. He inquiries himself, ? Am I the lone individual who thinks it ( stealing ) is incorrect? ? pg24. He thinks bribing is so dismaying he said, ? I? vitamin D neer do that ( corrupting ) . Never. ? pg19. Another component he thinks is atrocious is blackmail. He says, ? You won? T find me giving to that kind of blackmail. We will write a custom essay sample on How Does Jack Become More And More or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Barely ever. ? pg41. To demo grounds that he does go more and more enmeshed in the universe of corruptness, he begins to believe like a mobster in a rabble by stating, ? money? to pay Mr.Hough? Cliff? s my protection. ? He now think s and Acts of the Apostless like a gangster, since most triad leaders frequently have escorts. By analysing this citation, ? A fillip would be in order. A hard currency bonus. ? pg66, it seems like Jack is utilizing money to work out his jobs. On pg80, he says, ? Anita? s got some friends who? ll acquire rid of him. ? The fact that he said he would acquire person to kill person is already proof that as he gets more and more involved with his household, he grows more and more corrupted. At the beginning, I neer would hold thought Jack would be the? godfather? to the household, since he was the most righteous individual. Jack? s line of morality displacements off from him as he continues to traffic with his household? s concern. The boundaries have been reduced and there is no stating the bounds that would be set. This is because Jack had been improvizing the whole clip and he would endanger his repute for the interest of his household. In decision to this essay, I would state the engagement with his corrupted household has brought Jack to switch his boundary lines so far off from him he doesn? t notice precisely how much the difference is.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Dark Side of Nowhere Summary essays

Dark Side of Nowhere Summary essays This book starts out with a boy named Ethan dieing and everybody said it was appendicitis however later Jason and some others realized it wasnt. Jason didnt like his life because he thought it was too boring and he thought his parents were too nice because they never punished him too badly. Also at Ethans wedding, Jason wondered why Ethans parents didnt cry but his dad said it was shock however later Jason learned Ethan hadnt died at all. At a Little League game in Billington, Jason got in a fight with a boy because that boy was insulting the pitcher who was the girl that Jason liked. He got badly beat up and he went to the restroom to take care of the bruises that he had gotten. Then his school janitor, Mr. Grant, walked inside the restroom and gave Jason a glove that shot out BBs however Jason learned that the glove shot BBs by himself. He also told him to meet by a barn in a place called Old Town to learn what to do with it. The next day, Paula, the pitcher that Jason liked, went to Jasons house and told him he ruined her no-hitter yesterday. She was turning to leave but Jason wanted her to stay there so he decided to show her the glove Grant had given him even though Grant said not to show anyone the glove. He went to the back of his backyard and showed it to her. Then they went to Old Town because they got carried away in a game when Paula took the glove because she wanted to know where Jason had gotten the glove. They went into Old Town and they found many sightings that were weird such as a picture of a person that looked exactly like Billy Chambers who was a kid that went to their school and they saw a message carved into a wall that said, God Help Us. At school the next day, Jason said he had to get his monthly shots so he couldnt help Paula search around Old Town. Jason and everybody else who did receive them thought they were fo...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Formulate a Budget Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Formulate a Budget - Assignment Example Since our store is located in the main shopping hub in the downtown area therefore, we strongly believe that this factor would help us grow and to achieve success on the longer run (Longenecker, Petty, Palich, & Hoy, 2013; Ray, 2010). Furthermore, the company also aims to receive a 15% growth in the sales  and  50%  gross  profit margin is also expected by the end of the third year. Since, our major assets are residing in the inventory therefore we have to come up with a budget plan that helps us to survive in the market for at least three years (Shapiro, 2008; Longenecker, Petty, Palich, & Hoy, 2013). Although there have been numerous issues related to the business as the on-hand cash  for apparel was very low,  the company has decided to formulate a fresh budget plan focusing on all the key elements and factors that may or may not become an obstacle for the company in the coming future (Atrill & MacLaney, 2011; Gibson, 2010). The purpose of this budget plan is to ensure that the $50,000 loan is secured. The purpose of this loan / supplemental financing is necessary as it is required for the decoration of the outlet and its furniture and other operational expenses. The investment by the owner includes $60,000. It is forecasted that if the company works as per the expectation then the budget plan would allow the company to become profitable by the end of the first year. The budget plan that has been formulated for the coming three for ABC contemporary couture is presented as below. Thus, it can be concluded that if the aforementioned budget plan turns successful than the company can easily generate an increase of 10% in the second year and 25% increase in sales by the end of the third year. However, if the company plans to expand then the net income may increase as per the demand and expansion. It should be noted that once the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Apple Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 8

Apple - Essay Example Under the leadership of Steve Jobs, Apple underwent a period of tremendous innovation that led to the launch of category-defining products for example the iPod, iPad and iPhone. Apple also launched ITunes online store, Apple retail store to complement the electronics. Apple rides on its strengths to acquire and maintain a competitive advantage in a fast growing market that is extremely competitive.2 On the other hand, the increased competition can have ripple effects on the growth and success of the company. Apple has gained a strong market position due to the ‘Apple Eco-system’. The company has a wide range of applications, software and such interrelated products that support each other. The newly released products especially the iTV keep expanding Apple’s eco-system. The company therefore continues to enjoy customers’ trust therefore enjoys a competitive advantage over its competition. Brand awareness is also increased by the high quality customer experience at the Apple retail stores since the staff is always well informed with direct contact with the customers. The stores enjoy maximum profits from direct sales. Apple also has a strong marketing strategy. It employs a strong team of marketers and advertisers who ensure that pricier products are sold and build superior stores that are meant to achieve marketing goals while advertising the products in a compelling way. This advertising trend was started in 1984 when Apple produced a commercial that became famous for a long time which was broadcast during the Super bowl that year.3 Apple unlike Microsoft creates its own hardware and as such, it does not have to depend on other companies to create products that run on its operating system. Apple offers a variety of products that make profits. It is diversified and does not rely on one sole product to make sales unlike Google which majorly relies upon advertising to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Cultural Artifacts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cultural Artifacts - Essay Example All these and many other aspects altogether represent our culture and its evolution over time. To prove my point I will concentrate on architecture how it is reflective of the culture. It not only represents the present but also has traces of the past. By observing architecture of any society over the years you can observe the evolution of their culture. It shows our values and beliefs. Architecture actually encompasses all three eras, traces of our past, needs of our present and aspirations of our future. Archeology In order to fully understand evolutionary process of architecture we need to develop sound understanding of archeology and dating methods. Crucially understanding of the past depends on the efficiency of the chronological dating methods employed. Indus civilization As we all know Indus civilization is one the oldest civilizations of the world. Some of the things found in excavations dates back to as early as 2800 BCE (McIntosh). A good understanding of their culture was developed through the literature found in some of the writings, pottery and remains of the buildings. The Indus civilization is distinctive in its indigenous development from the cotemporary civilizations. Its architecture does not bear any sign of warfare of that time. They had elaborate drainage system and well planned urban layout. Although scarcity of any building was observed, which could be identified as temple or monument? Architecture and Sculpture History According to historians large wooden houses, palaces and barns were being built in India from around 1700 BC. Although it does not have much creativity and durability was also questionable. (Subcontinent) Some stone architecture and sculpture started in India in 300 BC under the influence of Greeks and Persians. Artifacts are a good source of studying the economic and cultural conditions of any time. It was well reflected in the buildings of that era also. In fact the understanding we have developed about the older civiliz ations and their evolution and growth was achieved by studying the artifacts of those times. Indians moved from traditional wooden architecture to stone architecture and fine masonry work under the influence of foreigners. But the artifacts they produced had the Indian touch and were reflective of their culture. Rock Architecture History of Rock architecture in India dates back to eighth century. There are remains of a temple in Ellora in central Asia. (William J. Duiker) It was named after the holy mountains and it is beautifully carved out of a hill side. Traces of this form of architecture were also found in Africa. It is reflective of the technological advancement of that time because carving a mountain needed a lot of skill and equipment. It is also reflective of the religious beliefs of the time. Most of the religious architecture of that time consisted of Buddhist cave temples and monasteries. The next millennium witnessed impressive sculptures and paintings. Religious archit ecture evolved from caves to monumental structures. They were even decorated with ceilings, door frames, relevant paintings and other accessories which marked the welfare of the civilization. Islamic Architecture When India was conquered by Mughals Indian architecture took a large leap forward. Mughals were found of architecture. Magnificent buildings all over India are a proof of their taste and love for

Friday, November 15, 2019

Use of Porosity in Public Spaces

Use of Porosity in Public Spaces Introduction The connection between the built and the unbuilt / between the â€Å"indoor† and the â€Å"outdoor†/ between the mass and the void is a very sensitive and debatable topic. The experience of a space can be severely affected by the ways its edges are treated, i.e. by controlling how a person enters/exits the space. Transitional experience plays a vital role in overall feel and experience of spaces. Different types of spaces require different types of treatments on their edge conditions. Porosity is one of the many guiding factors in designing a space, specially public places, which are the key strategic spaces in providing the area/city its character. Not only does careful design of such spaces increase the aesthetic quality of the place, but also plays a major role in increasing the standards of functionality, safety, quality and many such factors under which a city can be categorised. Porosity, is one spatial quality that can definitely benefit the public spaces, specially in places like Delhi, where the individual is getting isolated from the community in his efforts to cope up with the pace of life that the city has to offer. Also, with the increasing gap between the two extreme income groups of the city, the spaces, which are meant to be ‘public’, cater only to a certain section of the society, neglecting those which fail to fulfil the ‘entrant requirements’ . Apart from giving spaces back to all the sections of the society, increasing porosity in community spaces can also act as a measure against increasing crime rates in the city, as it opens up the space to a larger section of the society. Topic: Porosity in public spaces Research Question: How can porosity in public spaces be increased to enhance their utility for the society in general ? Public Spaces Public spaces are an inevitable component of human settlements. Parks, plazas, roads, beaches, etc are typically considered public spaces. They are the common ground for people to interact with others, share knowledge or goods, or carry out their daily rituals, be it daily routine or occasional festivities. By definition, they are spaces that should be accessible to all the members of the society, irrespective of their economic strength. It was stated that:   Ã‚   Regarding the criterion of access, public space is a place which is open to all. This means its resources, the activities that take place in it, and information about it are available to everybody. Concerning the criterion of agency, public space is a place controlled by public actors (i.e., agents or agencies that act on behalf of a community, city, commonwealth or state) and used by the public (i.e., the people in general). As for interest, public space is a place which serves the public interest (i.e., its benefits are controlled and received by all members of the society) (Akkar, Z 2005). Of course, these definitions refer to an ideal public space, while the urban atmosphere is not entirely composed of rigidly public and private spaces; instead, it is an amalgamation of public and private spaces with different degrees of publicness. Accepting that the relation between public and private space is a continuum, it is possible to define public spaces as having various degrees of publicness. Regarding the dimensions of access, actor and interest, the extent of publicness will depend on three categories: the degree to which the public space and its resources, as well as the activities occurring in it and information about it, are available to all; the degree to which it is managed and controlled by public actors and used by the public; and the degree to which it serves the public interest. Life in public spaces, not only has a function in the society as a whole, but it is also a rich source of individual amusement, pleasure and play. One criticism of the prevailing socio-functional approach towards urban public space can be that the individuals perspective is often disregarded. To what extent do city dwellers like to meet other urbanites in public places? Hardly any planner, architect or urban administrator seems to be interested in that question. Planners and city councils are eager to speak about public spaces as meeting places. They find it an attractive idea to conceive of public spaces as a unifying element where all sectors of the urban population meet. With the help of that image they can present their cities as communities, despite all the contrasts and differences. Most social scientists dealing with urban public space also tend to regard processes that take place in the public realm as a contribution to the social organization, as a fulfilment of societal nee ds. This top-down-view, however, neglects the daily users perspective. Do city dwellers wish to get together with all their co-urbanites? Everybody who has ever been in a city knows the answer: no, certainly not with everyone. On the other hand, it cannot be denied that at least some individuals derive great pleasure from being in public. Whether a space will function well depends on a range of aspects that include scale, use, safety and comfort, density and links. In many cases it is the individuals experience of walking or dancing down a street, and the quality of environment, that is the most important element. Design then becomes about maximizing choice and trying to provide for different individuals goals. Problems with public spaces Despite the resurgence of interest in public spaces, urban design and planning litera- ture has frequently hinted at the diminishing publicness of public spaces in modern cities. Some researchers have pointed out the threat of recent privatization policies, and claimed that public spaces, traditionally open to all segments of the population, are increasingly being developed and managed by private agencies to produce profit for the private sector and serve the interests of particular sections of the population (Punter, J 1990). Others have commented on the high degree of control now maintained over access and use of public spaces through surveillance cameras and other measures intended to improve their security (Reeve, A 1996). Still others have argued that contemporary public spaces increasingly serve a homogenous public and promote social filtering. These open-access public spaces are precious because they enable city residents to move about and engage in recreation and face-to-face communication. But, because an open-access space is one everyone can enter, public spaces are classic sites for tragedy, to invoke Garrett Hardins famous metaphor for a commons (H, Garrrett 1968, cited Ellickson, R 1996) A space that all can enter, however, is a space that each is tempted to abuse. Societies therefore impose rules-of-the-road for public spaces. While these rules are increasingly articulated in legal codes, most begin as informal norms of public etiquette (Taylor, R 1984, cited Ellickson, R 1996). Rules of proper street behaviour are not an impediment to freedom, but a foundation of it (Ellickson, R 1996)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald Essay -- Great Gatsby Fitzgerald Americ

The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald Thesis: The pursuit of the American Dream is a dominant theme throughout The Great Gatsby, which is carried out in various ways by F. Scott Fitzgerald, how the author represents this theme through his characters and their actions is one small aspect of it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fitzgerald's dominant theme in The Great Gatsby focuses on the corruption of the American Dream. By analyzing high society during the 1920s through the eyes of narrator Nick Carraway, the author reveals that the American Dream has transformed from a pure ideal of security into a convoluted scheme of materialistic power. In support of this message, Fitzgerald highlights the original aspects as well as the new aspects of the American Dream in his tragic story to illustrate that a once impervious dream is now lost forever to the American people. The foundation qualities of the American Dream depicted in The Great Gatsby are perseverance and hope. The most glorified of these characteristics is that of success against is that of success against all odds. The ethic of hard work can be found in the life of young James Gatz, whose focus on becoming a great a man is carefully documented in his ?Hopalong Cassidy? journal. When Mr. Gatz shows the tattered book to Nick, he declares, ? Jimmy was bound to get ahead. He always has some resolves like this or something. Do you notice what he?s got about improving his mind? He was always great for that? (Fitzgerald, pg 182). The journal portrays the continual struggle for self-improvement, which has defined the image of America as a land of opportunity. ?By comparing the young James Gatz to the young Benjamin Franklin, Fitzgerald proves that the American Dream is indeed able to survive in the face of modern society.?(Website) A society naturally breaks up in into various social groups over time. Members of lower statuses constantly suppose that their problems will be resolved if they gain enough wealth to reach the upper class. Many interpret the American dream as being this passage to high social status and once reaching that point, not having to concern about money at all. Though, the American Dream involves more than the social and economic standings of an individual. ?The dream involves attaining a balance between the spiritual strength and the physical strength of an individual.?(Lehan, pg.53) Jay Gatsby fails to reach... ...esurrected. Through the unfolding events of a doomed romance, Fitzgerald simultaneously unfolds the tragic fate of American values. Gatsby possesses an extreme imbalance between the material and spiritual sides of himself. His ultimate goal of love swaps places with his secondary goal of becoming rich. He portrays the ultimate failure of the American Dream in that individuals tend to believe wealth is everything. Historically, America was the new world of endless opportunity and wealth. But a nation cannot operate solely on materialism. The spirits of individuals are the true composition of a nation. Gatsby and the other characters of his story act as vessels for the author?s true message- the American Dream, once a pure and mighty ideal has been buried and is pressed into the ground by the inhuman void of money. Nick Caraway conveys this message as an outsider, an honest man who is witnessing the entire ordeal as an observer. The Great Gatsby is not the tribute of a name named Jay Gatsby; rather, it is the tribute of an institution which once was, but is now gone and can never be. Works Cited: Fitzgerald, Scott F. The Great Gatsby. Simon and Schuster, New York. 1925.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Identify the Individual at Risk of Skin Breakdown and Undertake the Appropriate Risk Assessment Essay

Upon arriving at the care home, I shut the door behind me, clocked in using my time card and signed the staff log book which is a requirement of the fire safety policy. Prior to starting my shift, I attended the hand over held in the staff office with closed doors to maintain confidentiality and privacy of the residents. The hand over gives me important changes in the resident’s health and social care needs, requirements and procedures that need implementing during the shift. One of the residents I usually care for is Mrs H who has just come back from a hospital admission. According to her care plan Mrs H was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 4 which are predisposing factors for pressure sores. She is bed bound, cannot weight bear and had just undergone Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF) for fracture on her left tibia fibula which left her immobilised. She is also incontinent of urine and faeces which are all predisposing factors to sore development. As one of her primary carer, I was assigned to carry out a risk assessment for skin breakdown with the use of the Waterlow Scale. I knocked on Mrs H’s room before entering as a sign of respect for her privacy and greeted her good morning. I asked how she is and she smiled which means she is fine as she has difficulty speaking. I asked her if she would like to have her bed bath and she said â€Å"yes please†. I informed her that I also need to carry out a risk assessment for skin breakdown to identify if she is at risk of developing a pressure sore. I explained the procedures that she will expect, the reasons behind these and I asked for her permission to carry on. She obliged by softly saying â€Å"ok† in a very low voice. Before starting the assessment, I gathered all the things that I need. I observed standard precautions for infection control by washing my hands with soap and water and drying them with disposable paper towels. I wore a disposable plastic apron and donned a pair of disposable gloves to prevent the spread and transfer of infection from one person to another. With the help of my colleague, I gently and carefully took off Mrs H’s night dress informing her every step that I make to make her aware and to encourage her cooperation. I kept it in yellow laundry bag as per organisational policy on infection control and prevention. I covered her body with bath towels to maintain her privacy and keep her warm. I washed her face and body with the use of disposable Mediwipes with soap and warm water. I dried her up using the towel to keep her from freezing. I took off her nappy pad and washed her private front part properly and dried her afterwards. Then I informed Mrs H that I need to turn her on her side so that I can wash and examine her back. With coordinated movements from my colleague, we gently and carefully turned her on her side, taking special care not to put any undue pressure on her bad leg to prevent any further injury. I examined her back side taking note of pressure points or bony prominences on her shoulders, sacrum, elbows, ankles and heels. Her skin on her shoulders, spine, elbows and heels look fine but there is a redness on her sacral area which feels hotter than other areas of her skin. I asked Mrs H if she feels any pain in her bottom and she said â€Å"yes† in a very low voice. On her left heel is an abrasion which she developed while she was in the hospital. I washed her back and her bottom gently and dried them up properly as excess moisture can aggravate her skin condition. I put her soiled nappy pad in a plastic bag to be disposed of in the clinical waste bag. I applied aqueous creme on her skin especially on bony prominences to prevent drying. I applied sudocrem on her sacral area to soothe and to protect and help heal her skin. I put on a clean nappy pad on her, put on clean clothes and positioned her on her right side to relieve the pressure on her sacral area, using cushions to make her comfortable. The nurse-in-charge came inside the room to check on her left heel wound and I asked her how to clean it and what dressing should I use for it. She said I can clean it with sterile water and sterile gauze, dry it up and apply Versiva dressing for protection as advised by the tissue viability nurse. I disposed of my gloves and donned on a clean pair. I washed Mrs H wound on her heel with sterile water and sterile gauze, dried it up and applied Versiva dressing. I put on a pressure relief cushion on her left foot to relieve pressure, kept it supported and in a comfortable position. I thanked Mrs H for her cooperation during the procedure. I informed her about the condition of her skin and reassured her that it is well taken care of. I disposed of my apron, gloves and soiled dressings in the plastic bag, tied it and disposed it in a clinical waste bag. I washed my hands with soap and water again and dried it up to prevent the spread of infection.

Friday, November 8, 2019

What Are the Romance Languages

What Are the Romance Languages The word romance connotes love and wooing, but when it has a capital R, as in Romance languages, it probably refers to a set of languages based on Latin, the language of the ancient Romans. Latin was the language of the Roman Empire, but the classical Latin that was written by the literati like Cicero was not the language of daily life. It was certainly not the language soldiers and traders took with them to the edges of Empire, like Dacia (modern Romania), on the northern and eastern frontier. What Was Vulgar Latin? Romans spoke and wrote graffiti in a less polished language than they used in their literature. Even Cicero wrote plainly in personal correspondence. The simplified Latin language of the common (Roman) people is called Vulgar Latin because Vulgar is an adjectival form of the Latin for the crowd. This makes Vulgar Latin the peoples language. It was this language that the soldiers took with them and that interacted with native languages and the language of later invaders, particularly the Moors and Germanic invasions, to produce the Romance languages throughout the area that had once been the Roman Empire. Fabulare Romanice By the 6th century, to speak in the Latin-derived language was to fabulare romanice, according to Portuguese: a Linguistic Introduction, by Milton Mariano Azevedo (from the Spanish and Portuguese Department at the University of California at Berkeley). Romanice was an adverb suggesting in the Roman manner that was shortened to romance; whence, Romance languages. Simplifications of Latin Some of the general changes to Latin were the loss of terminal consonants, diphthongs tended to be reduced to simple vowels, the distinctions between long and short versions of the same vowels were losing significance, and, together with the decline in terminal consonants that provided case endings, led to a loss of inflection, according to Nicholas Ostler in Ad Infinitum: A Biography of Latin. The Romance languages, therefore, needed another way to show the roles of words in sentences, so the relaxed word order of Latin was replaced with a fairly fixed order. RomanianRoman Province: DaciaOne of the changes to Vulgar Latin made in Romania was that an unstressed o became u, so you may see Rumania (the country) and Rumanian (the language), instead of Romania and Romanian. (Moldova-)Romania is the only country in the Eastern European area that speaks a Romance language. At the time of the Romans, the Dacians may have spoken a Thracian language. The Romans fought the Dacians during the reigns of Trajan who defeated their king, Decebalus. Men from Dacia became Roman soldiers who learned the language of their commanders Latin and brought it home with them when they settled in Dacia upon retirement. Missionaries also brought Latin to Romania. Later influences on Romanian came from Slavic immigrants.Reference: The History of the Romanian Language.ItalianItalian emerged from further simplification of Vulgar Latin in the Italic peninsula. The language is also spoken in San Marino as the official language, and in Switzerland, as one of the official languages. In the 12th to 13th century, the vernacular spoken in Tuscany (formerly the area of the Etruscans) became the standard written language, now known as Italian. A spoken language based on the written version became standard in Italy in the 19th century.References: Italian - Language Information and ResourcesHistory of the Italian Language From a Local Tuscan Dialect to the Language of a New Nation - From Italian at About.comPortugueseRoman Province: LusitaniaOrbilat says that the language of the Romans practically wiped out the earlier language of the Iberian peninsula when the Romans conquered the area in the third century B.C. Latin was a prestige language, so it was in the interest of the population to learn it. Over time the language spoken on the west coast of the peninsula came to be Galician-Portuguese, but when Galicia became part of Spain, the two language groups split.Reference: Portuguese: a Linguistic Introduction, by Milton Mariano AzevedoGallicianRoman Province: Gallicia/Gallaecia.The area of Gallicia was inhabited by Celts when the Romans conquered the area and made it a Roman province, so the native Celtic language mixed with Vulgar Latin from the second century B.C. Germanic invaders also had an impact on the language.Referenc e: Galician Spanish (Castilian)Latin Term: HispaniaThe Vulgar Latin in Spain from the 3rd century B.C. was simplified in various ways, including the reduction of cases to just the subject and object. In 711, Arabic came to Spain via the Moors, and as a result, there are Arabic borrowings in the modern language. Castilian Spanish comes from the 9th century when Basques influenced the speech. Steps towards its standardization took place in the 13th becoming the official language in the 15th century. An archaic form called Ladino was preserved among Jewish populations forced to leave in the 15th century.References:CastilianWhy Is Spanish Sometimes Called Castilian? - About.com Guide to SpanishCatalanRoman Province: Hispania (Citerior).Catalan is spoken in Catalonia, Valencia, Andorra, the Balearic Isles, and other small regions. The area of Catalonia spoke Vulgar Latin but was influenced heavily by the southern Gauls in the 8th century,  becoming a distinct language by the 10th century.Reference: Catalan FrenchRoman Province: Gallia Transalpina.French is spoken in France, Switzerland, and Belgium, in Europe. The Romans in the Gallic Wars, under Julius Caesar, brought Latin to Gaul in the 1st century B.C. At the time they were speaking a Celtic language known as Gaulish. Germanic Franks invaded in the early 5th century. By the time of Charlemagne (d. A.D. 814), the language of the French was already sufficiently removed from Vulgar Latin to be called Old French. Comprehensive List of Romance Languages of Today With Locations Linguists may prefer a list of the Romance languages with more detail and more thorough. Ethnologue, a publication of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, Inc (SIL), contains a comprehensive list of languages of the world, including languages that are dying. Here are the names, geographic divisions and national locations of major divisions of the modern Romance languages given by Ethnologue. Eastern Aromanian (Greece)Romanian (Romania)Romanian, Istro (Croatia)Romanian, Megleno (Greece) Italo-Western Italo-DalmatianIstriot (Croatia)Italian (Italy)Judeo-Italian (Italy)Napoletano-Calabrese (Italy)Sicilian (Italy)WesternGallo-IberianGallo-RomanceGallo-ItalianEmiliano-Romagnolo (Italy)Ligurian (Italy)Lombard (Italy)Piemontese (Italy)Venetian (Italy)Gallo-RhaetianOilFrenchSoutheasternFrance-ProvencalRhaetianFriulian (Italy)Ladin (Italy)Romansch (Switzerland)Ibero-RomanceEast IberianCatalan-Valencian Balear (Spain)OcOccitan (France)Shuadit (France)West IberianAustro-LeoneseAsturian (Spain)Mirandese (Portugal)CastilianExtremaduran (Spain)Ladino (Israel)SpanishPortuguese-GalicianFala (Spain)Galician (Spain)PortuguesePyrenean-MozarabicPyrenean Southern CorsicanCorsican (France)SardinianSardinian, Campidanese (Italy)Sardinian, Gallurese (Italy)Sardinian, Logudorese (Italy)Sardinian, Sassarese (Italy) For more details, see: Lewis, M. Paul (ed.), 2009. Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Sixteenth edition. Dallas, Tex.: SIL International. Online.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Napoleon The Russian Conflict Essays - Russia, Free Essays

Napoleon The Russian Conflict Essays - Russia, Free Essays Napoleon "The Russian Conflict" Napoleon was one of the greatest military leaders of all time. By 1812 Napoleon had expanded the territory of France all over Europe including Spain, Italy, Holland, and Switzerland. The countries that Napoleon did not directly control, he was usually allied with. The turning point of Napoleon's career also came in 1812 when war broke out between France and Russia because of Alexander I's refusal to enforce the continental $ Even the French nation could not provide all the manpower and supplies needed to carry out the Emperor's grandiose plan for subduing Russia. Throughout 1811, he worked to mobilize the entire continent against Russia. He not only levied the vassal kingdoms in Spain, Italy, and Germany but also summoned Austria and Prussia to furnish their share of men and goods. Altogether, Napoleon could count on nearly 700,000 men of 20 nationalities of whom more than 600,000 crossed the border. Grown far beyond its original intended size, the army was difficult to assemble and hard to feed. Between Tilsit and Moscow, there lay over 600 miles of hostile barren countryside. Because of lack of supplies and the difficulty to feed the large army, Napoleon's plan was simple: bring about a battle, defeat the Russian army, and dictate a settlement. Apparently neither he nor his soldiers, who cheerfully began crossing the Nieman River, thought beyond the immediate goal. Already 300 miles into Russia, Napoleon had not yet found a way to exploit his advantage. In the Emperor's programming the resources necessary to achieve his objective, he had anticipated fighting a battle within a month after crossing the Nieman. Toward the end of that month Napoleon began to realize that events were disproving the validity of his estimates. Dying horses littered the roads and the advanced guard found little forage as Russians everywhere abandoned their homes. Napoleon knew that he needed to fight. At Smolensk, he set up for a battle and waited but the Russians, afraid of a trap steadily withdrew their troops from Smolensk and continued to retreat deeper into Russia. The only major battle in the Russian campaign proved that something was definitely lacking in Napoleon's judgment. Borodino was a battle of legendary proportions. Before the battle Napoleon proclaimed, "Soldiers, here is the battle you have so long desired!" However, the fight was inconclusive. At its end, Napoleon found himself the possessor, not of a victory, but of a barren hillside and an increasingly compelling commitment to advance further into the east. Well into the battle, the French had almost cracked the left side of the Russian Army. Several French generals had requested that Napoleon would commit the guard infantry into battle. This would create the final blow and insure the Russian defeat. After 14 hours of intense combat, the fighting died out at nightfall, and Mikhail Illarionovich Kutusov, the Russian general, gratefully began to retreat his troops. The guard infantry had remained unused. After the Battle of Borodino, in which losses on both sides totaled ! over 70,000 men, Napoleon had 100,000 effectives remaining, while Kutusov probably had no more than 55,000. Both sides claimed a victory, whereas actually, both sides had lost. While the Russian army filed disconsolately toward Moscow, the Emperor of the French rationalized his indecision at Borodino by contenting himself with the capture of the city. On September 14, Napoleon rode into Moscow at the head of a fraction of the Empire's military strength. Meanwhile, Napoleon's opponent had made a decision that was to shape the remainder of the campaign. Kutusov made up his mind not to fight another battle in defense of Moscow. Kutusov ordered the city's population out into the countryside, released all inmates from the city jails, and destroyed the city firefighting equipment. Napoleon and his army of 100,000 arrived only to find a handful of the original inhabitants and several hundred criminals and lunatics freely roaming and plundering the streets. That night, fires sprang up all over the city. Fire swept through the city for several days and by morning it was apparent that most of the city had been consumed by the flames. Left with no choice, Napoleon sent peace proposals to Alexander, but Alexander refused to even discuss the concept

Monday, November 4, 2019

Reality Internet Assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reality Internet Assignment - Research Paper Example Another definition is given by Jonathon Bignell, who defines it as the unscripted actions and behavior of everyday people, which are the shows’ focus of interest (Edwards 17). While reality TV’s boundaries are blurred, the most fundamental factor separating it from other TV genres is its focus on people’s situational reaction and private thoughts. Effects of Reality TV Production Elements on Non-Reality TV Because of reality TV’s popularity, non-reality TV has been forced to pick up some production elements from them to remain competitive on the screen. One of those elements assimilated into non-reality TV is the use of real-life participants. Since reality, TV’s biggest appeal is the use of real people playing their part, rather than actors, non-reality TV has taken up the tendency to create characters out of real life people (lostintelevision 1). One example of this is the HBO drama The Wire, which uses real life people together with actors to cre ate an authentic feel in their program. The use of real neighborhoods and real occupants of these neighborhoods with no acting experience and placing them in situations like drug busts and murders, while also taking their reactions, is what made The Wire such a big TV hit. With time, these real-life characters, including workers in the Mayor’s office, became integrated into the show, adding to the authenticity of its message. Another element used in non-reality TV and borrowed from reality TV is the use of unscripted performance (lostintelevision 1). Again, The Wire is a good example of this with the producers placing real life characters in the midst of their scenes and focusing on them to see their reactions. Normally, because the people of Baltimore are used to these situations makes their reactions authentic compared to, for example, bringing in actors into these situations. However, while these situations are unscripted, the producer sets up the situations with real life events being controlled using a narrative structure carried by the actors. Another element of reality TV that has been assimilated into non-reality TV is the use of reality-style testimonials, where the characters explain their situations to the camera and the audience (lostintelevision 1), such as was used in the British Sitcom The Office. The narration is usually in the form of present tense and usually deals with what is going on as the audience watches as the narrator of the testimonial adopts informal styles of speech and communication. Surveillance or observation is another production element popularized by reality TV that has influenced the production of non-reality TV. Just as in reality TV, non-reality TV has become reliant on observation and has turned to intrusive surveillance to become more real. Documentaries have especially taken up this element by integrating CCTV images into their production. This has also introduced the element of voyeurism with the CCTV images bei ng used for surveillance becoming increasingly intrusive (lostintelevision 1). The producer uses the CCTV imagery to exhibit something that he/she is investigating and this positions the audience as voyeurs in the situations being filmed. While those being followed do not at the time, and the cameras were not meant to pick up what they were doing, the producer eventually uses these images to create a real-life situation. Impacts of Reality TV on Cultural Norms Sex and promiscuity are some of the most

Friday, November 1, 2019

Research Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Research Question - Essay Example Contacting the facilities will also enable easy reach to counselors who employ the target treatment models to treat clients with conduct disorders. Selection of the participant samples will rely on the volition of every individual (Bordens & Abbott, 2014). There will be no compulsion or enticement of any person to participate. This statement is to mean that there will be payments or promise of any gains to induce the samples into participating in the research. To select the clients or victims of conduct disorders, counselors working in the correctional and counseling resource centers will have to disclose or allow access to the individuals. Since doing so without consent of the clients under treatment is unethical, the researcher will have to rely on two options. One of the options is for the counselors to consult with the clients to know who is willing to participate in the research. The clients who express their willingness to participate will have consented for disclosure of name and details to the researcher before the actual contact. Another option is for the counselors to share details of clients treated in the past and expressed willingness to sensitize communities and conduct campaigns to encourage children and adolescents to respect rules set at homes and school (Bordens & Abbott, 2014). Undoubtedly, a person who involves in sensitization of communities about conduct disorders after having recovered from similar conditions have l ittle or no problem being disclosed. This view is due to the fact the past clients involving in sensitization will have to present selves as examples to give first-hand information to the audiences to believe the facts presented about the conditions. Prior to beginning the actual study, it is important to obtain informed consent from the target samples. The researcher will consider written and

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Does westernization equal modernity the case of Turkey Research Paper

Does westernization equal modernity the case of Turkey - Research Paper Example Some of the steps considered to have been taken by Ataturk to westernize turkey include the banning of the traditional men’s hat called the fez replacing it with European styled ones, Latin alphabets replaced Arabic writing. He also introduced European calendar and metric systems in place of the Arabic ones. Women could vote and be in charge of offices, and it was illegal for them to wear veils. Other reforms include abolishment of sultanate and Dervish brotherhood, establishment of Islam as the official religion in the constitution deleted and Sunday became the official weekly holiday. The army was reorganized to conform to the patterns of western world such as England. European schools were established in turkey and students sent to countries such as France to help accelerate the rate of westernization (Arslan 134). In the wake of the coup in 1980, the military drafted a constitution proclaiming turkey secular, democratic and parliamentary nation. This is as seen the beginning of westernization of Turkey as this meant the country had opened up itself to the worlds influence (as its primary allies have been the west) politically, socially and security wise. It has even moved to become a candidate of European Union membership. Its relationship with the EU began in 1996 when they formed a custom union, then later becoming a candidate of EU membership in 1999 (Global Edge par. 11). Other economic organizations Turkey has subscribed to include World Trade Organization, European Free Trade Association, United Nations, Black Sea Economic Cooperation, the Council of Europe, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and Organization of Islamic Cooperation (Global Edge par. 11). Even though

Monday, October 28, 2019

Impact of Trade on East Asia and South Asia Essay Example for Free

Impact of Trade on East Asia and South Asia Essay East Asia and South Asia was similar in that it promoted economic development in both regions and transformed port cities of both regions into cosmopolitan centers, but differed in that it helped with the establishment of Buddhism in China while it helped with the establishment of Islam in India. The impact of trade on East Asia and South Asia was similar in that it promoted economic development in both regions. In East Asia, the Grand Canal, a series of connected waterways, linked together north and south China. As northern and southern China traded rice and other food crops, the larger economy of China improved and grew. In South Asia, northern and southern India traded spices, metals, and specialized crops that were not available throughout India. As northern and southern India traded, the south prospered and experienced a surge in economic development. Trade promoted economic development in both East Asia and South Asia because they both traded within their region and outside of it, obtaining profit and wealth, along with goods. The impact of trade on East Asia and South Asia was similar in that it transformed port cities of both regions into cosmopolitan centers. As China traded, Arab, Persian, and Malay merchants settled within its region. The merchants settled in port cities, such as Guangzhou and Quanzhou, which turned into cosmopolitan centers. As India traded, Muslim, Jewish, and other merchants began to dwell within the subcontinent. The brokers became residents at port cities, such as Calicut, which developed into cosmopolitan societies. Trade transformed port cities in both East Asia and South Asia into cosmopolitan centers because they both had thriving commercial centers where merchants moved to in search of business opportunities. The impact of trade on East Asia and South Asia differed in that it helped with the establishment of Buddhism in China while it helped with the establishment of Islam in India. Buddhism diffused into China along trade routes. Merchants set up Buddhist communities in China, such as Dunhuang, helping it gain a foothold in society. Islam spread into India as merchants traded and settled in the region. As they settled in cities, such as Cambay, they spread Islam into Indian society. Trade helped with the establishment of Buddhism in China, but helped with Islam in India because Muslim merchants traveled to South Asia due to its trade centers and relative proximity, while Buddhist merchants traveled to East Asia in search of trade opportunities outside of India. From 600 to 1450 CE, the influence of trade on East Asia and South Asia was similar in that it encouraged economic growth in both areas and helped with the development of port cities into cosmopolitan centers in both regions, but differed in that it promoted the establishment of Buddhism in China while it promoted the establishment of Islam in India.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Using the video case study explain on which extent the organisation :: Business and Management Studies

Using the video case study explain on which extent the organisation keeps their side of the empowerment bargain? Coursework: Using the video case study explain on which extent the organisation keeps their side of the empowerment bargain? Nowadays, a new business process emerges, the empowerment. The context is that managers are working in pair with employees. Managers give opportunity to the staff to give their ideas, and being more involved in the firm as a whole. Its mean more confidence and trust in each other. Does the empowerment way is a threat against the organisation? The aim is to discuss the extent to which the organisation is able to keep their side of the empowerment â€Å"bargain†. Therefore, the following study is supported by the â€Å"Alliance and Leicester Building society†. It occurs in the banking sectors and this firm is a call centre on which the empowerment is present. The two mains actors are the managers on the first hand, and the Customers Service Agents (CSA) on the other hand. The customer service aim is to deliver a rapid answer to the client needs. The CSA are operating directly with the clients while managers are trying to improve the service efficiency. By improving efficiency it means implant and developed the empowerment. Different stages are identified in the firm. Firstly, there is the involvement process characterized by participation and managers attention to the CSA ideas. It is followed by the professional relation in the firms, between managers and CSA. The customers’ relation, like the greeting to the clients and how it is managed. There is an important and crucial step, which is the IT (information technology) point, materialized by the monitoring system. It is named as an â€Å"empowerment tool†. Moreover, there is a surveillance point, with tape record and office structure. Then the work atmosphere and CSA job feeling and future career. Beginning with a brief explanation of the empowerment origin, the following study (of the Alliance and Leiceister empowerment process) aims to focus on the previous empowerment stages to explain if the Control leads the organisation to keep the power of the empowerment â€Å"Bargain†. The call centres can be classified as the perfect example of the globalisation consequence. The globalisation was huge on the past 20 years. Companies grow and expand abroad. The market was not local anymore but international. As much as the firm grow, the competition increased in the same time. The firm were obliged to open their capital to rich investors and the market is now driven by the productivity and efficiency. As it was proposed, shareholders are now driving the firm goals and controlling the managers (Fama and Using the video case study explain on which extent the organisation :: Business and Management Studies Using the video case study explain on which extent the organisation keeps their side of the empowerment bargain? Coursework: Using the video case study explain on which extent the organisation keeps their side of the empowerment bargain? Nowadays, a new business process emerges, the empowerment. The context is that managers are working in pair with employees. Managers give opportunity to the staff to give their ideas, and being more involved in the firm as a whole. Its mean more confidence and trust in each other. Does the empowerment way is a threat against the organisation? The aim is to discuss the extent to which the organisation is able to keep their side of the empowerment â€Å"bargain†. Therefore, the following study is supported by the â€Å"Alliance and Leicester Building society†. It occurs in the banking sectors and this firm is a call centre on which the empowerment is present. The two mains actors are the managers on the first hand, and the Customers Service Agents (CSA) on the other hand. The customer service aim is to deliver a rapid answer to the client needs. The CSA are operating directly with the clients while managers are trying to improve the service efficiency. By improving efficiency it means implant and developed the empowerment. Different stages are identified in the firm. Firstly, there is the involvement process characterized by participation and managers attention to the CSA ideas. It is followed by the professional relation in the firms, between managers and CSA. The customers’ relation, like the greeting to the clients and how it is managed. There is an important and crucial step, which is the IT (information technology) point, materialized by the monitoring system. It is named as an â€Å"empowerment tool†. Moreover, there is a surveillance point, with tape record and office structure. Then the work atmosphere and CSA job feeling and future career. Beginning with a brief explanation of the empowerment origin, the following study (of the Alliance and Leiceister empowerment process) aims to focus on the previous empowerment stages to explain if the Control leads the organisation to keep the power of the empowerment â€Å"Bargain†. The call centres can be classified as the perfect example of the globalisation consequence. The globalisation was huge on the past 20 years. Companies grow and expand abroad. The market was not local anymore but international. As much as the firm grow, the competition increased in the same time. The firm were obliged to open their capital to rich investors and the market is now driven by the productivity and efficiency. As it was proposed, shareholders are now driving the firm goals and controlling the managers (Fama and

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Market Leader vs Market Followers

The article is aiming to study how big brands are losing their market share & what changes they are bringing in their marketing strategy to cope up with the current market scenario or to regain their market share. This study is focused on leadership in Indian market on various segments, Brand loyalty, and brand differentiation. This study focus on current market scenario with changing trends of market share in various segments. Introduction Competition essentially means a fight and a monopolist enjoys a hold over the market and has control over price and customer. With the adoption of pro-competition policies by the government – Air India have been exposed to constantly losing market share in favor of private carriers like Kingfisher, Jet airways, Air Sahara, Spice Jet, Lufthansa and others. It is tough condition for the marketers, because if you are inefficient, the market forces would edge you out of the marketplace. Hence, competition means hard work. It is a constant struggle to outperform the rivals. Competition is consumer friendly, but not market friendly. Binaca is a brand that existed only in yesteryears.Binaca could not compete with the market competition & finally failed. The most remembered thing about Binaca is its conversion to Cibaca. So, why the company re-launched Binaca and not Cibaca? Cibaca changed the brand name Binaca to Cibaca when it was sold to another company. While Dabur bought Binaca, Colgate Palmolive bought Cibaca. Dabur has launched Binaca and now we have both Binaca and Cibaca in the market. (Though Binaca was toothpaste and Cibaca is currently being sold only as a toothbrush.) Brand is re-launched to leverage on past brand equity. Kelvinator India refrigerators has led a yo-yo type life till now. There have been frequent changes of ownership, which also included an 18-month stint with the enemy, Whirlpool. Worldwide, the Electrolux brand owns Kelvinator. During the period 1997-98, when Electrolux was just entering India, it did not have the capacity to hold on to the sales of Kelvinator. It had to sell it to Whirlpool to sustain sales. Whirlpool took advantage of the situation and milked the brand in that time. After the stipulated period of 18 months, Electrolux took it back. Since then, it has been contributing to a steady 65-70% of the company's revenues, a successful re-launches. Electrolux saved on a lot of costs it would have probably incurred had it launched a new brand. One of the most important assets that the marketer can possess is the trust of the customers. A brand is the interface between the marketers and the customers. It signifies the touching point between the marketing efforts and its effect on customers, either positive or negative. As the marketers are trading on the slippery ground, if they compromise on quality they can’t prevent consumer to switch brand to another. According to Rap P, Stan and Tom Collins, in their book –The great Marketing turn grounds- â€Å"The ability of the manufacturers to copy one another’s most successful product and the brand hopping encouraged by the tempting discounts may be seriously weakening the grip of the loyalty in many categories† Erosion of the brand loyalty has become one of the serious concerns now. The magazine ad week’s marketing week of US suggests that â€Å"The belief that once consumers buy a brand, they will stay there, is not true. The percentage of consumers who wished to stick to major brands dropped from 80 to 60 percent during an eight year period†. In today’s market scenario; the leaders are losing their market share & turning to followers for the sense of emergency. â€Å"Eye-catching colors and gee-whiz features aren't enough for successful products and services today. To rise above the ‘sea of sameness’, companies need to be different in a way that is elemental—and game-changing. According to HBS professor Youngme Moon.† Brand Loyalty Brand loyalty is harder to come by today as different brands are coming with too many choices and not with enough differences. Well known brands command a price premium. Japanese companies such as Sony and Toyota have built a huge brand loyal market .At the same time, developing a branded product loyal to the customer requires a great deal of long term investment, especially for advertising, promotion & packaging. Woodland is a brand that has built its brand equity on the pillars of being sturdy and durable with futuristic designs. It has also forayed into apparels and accessories. To maintain their positioning in the mind of consumer the brand has also introduced more specialized products like Yoga collection, Kids collection and the Woods collection. The brand has customized products for the adventure enthusiasts and keeps adding new technologies to make their products the ideal choice for all adventure lovers. Now, the brand has been focusing on eco-friendly products and uses raw materials that are less harmful to the environment. We’re familiar with the acronym WIIFM, which stands for â€Å"What’s in it for me?† This is the exact question that the consumers are asking themselves, and the brands need to be able to answer them properly. If they are unable to do the same the consumer will switch from one brand to another. The economics of customer retention makes a compelling case for relationship marketing. It costs approximately five times more to attract a customer than to keep a customer. So losing market share is very serious issue for market leaders at present. Brand Loyalty is the consumer's conscious or unconscious decision, expressed through intention or behavior, to repurchase a brand continually. It occurs because the consumer perceives that the brand offers the right product features, image, or level of quality at the right price. In today’s marketing environment, market advertisers are trying to break consumer habits, and helping them to acquire new habits, and reinforce those habits by reminding consumers of the value of their purchase and encourage them to continue purchasing those products in the future. The proactive approaches of rivals are compelling the market leaders to lose their market share. Brand Differentiation The brands want to remain differentiated from other brands; they will survive in the market & enjoy customer loyalty if they’ll be able to position themselves different from their competitor in the mind of consumer as well as in the market. Brands are investing on their advertising & promotion to differentiate themselves from others. FMCG major Dabur has undertaken a 360 degree rebranding exercise for its brand Real and has introduced new packaging, a new brand ambassador and communication activities. The company has reportedly spent close to Rs 7-8 crore on the whole exercise. Currently, the brand is going ahead with the 360 degree communication plan, which includes innovative OOH campaign in select cities, in-cinema advertising, TVC, radio, DTH for the very first time and print advertising, to remain differentiated from other brands. There are various ways they can achieve this aim. The brand differentiation is basically brought by positioning of brands. , some of the world's most iconic brands are starting the year with a new look. ITV has ditched its yellow and blue boxes, computer chip maker Intel has introduced a new strapline, and telecommunications giant AT&T has undergone a facelift.Airtel has taken the leap and revamped its logo, and the brand is on media overdrive to drive home the point about its new avatar. Brand differentiation can also be achieved by unique selling position of the brand and for increasing the brand value and brand equity. For every business, the health of its brand is key to its success. â€Å"The brand is the emotional heart of the business,† says Clare Salmon, director of marketing and strategy at ITV. â€Å"If the heart stops beating, the beast is going to die.† Differentiation attacks the fundamental basis of competition. It makes the product dissimilar and hence, less substitutable.† A general class of products is differentiated if any significant basis exists for distinguishing the good or service of one seller from that of another. Such a basis may be real or fancied, as long as it is of any importance whatever to buyer, and leads to a preference for one variety of the product over another.† According to Chamberlin, Edword, The theory of monopolistic competition, Cambridge, Mass, Harvard University Press, 1956.p.66. Current Market scenario.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Creative learning Essay

1.1 Creative learning is about how children problem solve, how they think and how they imagine. To allow this we need to provide opportunities for children to explore and to be imaginative in what they do, we need to provide resources that can be transported and manipulated, for example a child may decide to build a tower from Lego and then add farm animals and making it into a stable. Creativity is how children express themselves, through drawing, painting, dance, singing or stories, it is about letting children explore emotions and self-expression and be creative sometimes without an end result. 1.2 Current theoretical approaches to creativity & creative learning include, Nature or Nurture – Are children naturally creative in terms of do they have a musical talent or is this something that can be nurtured and taught? Role modelling – children may learn from watching others, if we allow children to see us being creative and making pictures will they then copy us and be creative. 1.3 Creativity & creative learning can support other areas of development such as Emotional – creativity allows children to express emotions whilst taking on the role of someone else, for example playing at being a mother who is angry with the child, whilst creative learning allows the child to develop their own problem solving skills and allows them to understand their thinking may be different to someone else’s, that they may choose different resources for the same outcome. Social – creativity allows children to join in with others in role play activities such as pretending to be mum & dad or sisters, it allows children to make relationships through play, whilst creative learning allows them to take resources and use them to make and end product to show to a peer or an adult to gain praise, this gives them a sense of self confidence. Intellectual – creativity and creative learning allows children develop intellectual skills as all of the areas in the EYFS link into intellectual in some way, for example being creative and producing a picture develops intellectual skills as early mark making will link into later writing skills, creative thinking and being able to problem solve also develops intellectual skills. Communication – creativity allows children to freely communicate about their own home or life through creative play such as role play, whilst creative learning allows children to explain what they may want to see at the end or how they want to achieve this. Physical –Â  creativity allows children move freely in many different ways, be it dancing to music or slithering around like a snake developing gross motor skills, whilst creative learning allows children to develop fine motor skills as they may use scissors ti cut or pencils ro draw.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Learn How to Conjugate the French Verb Habiter (to Live)

Learn How to Conjugate the French Verb Habiter (to Live) French verb conjugator habiter Present Future Imperfect Present participle j habite habiterai habitais habitant tu habites habiteras habitais il habite habitera habitait nous habitons habiterons habitions vous habitez habiterez habitiez ils habitent habiteront habitaient Pass compos Auxiliary verb avoir Past participle habit Subjunctive Conditional Pass simple Imperfect subjunctive j habite habiterais habitai habitasse tu habites habiterais habitas habitasses il habite habiterait habita habitt nous habitions habiterions habitmes habitassions vous habitiez habiteriez habittes habitassiez ils habitent habiteraient habitrent habitassent Imperative tu habite nous habitons vous habitez Verb conjugation patternHabiter  is a  regular -ER verb  that begins with  h  muet

Monday, October 21, 2019

Speechs Atwood, Suu Kyi Essay Example

Speechs Atwood, Suu Kyi Essay Example Speechs Atwood, Suu Kyi Essay Speechs Atwood, Suu Kyi Essay Being a woman myself, the struggle of women to mould their own destiny and to influence the fate of our global village- as Aung San Suu Kyi explicitly describes it- is something I am very passionate about. I know to be true that we are incredibly lucky to have been around in the present time, in regards to objectively and retrospectively understanding the principles of Women and the change that has, and I am happy to report, will continue to take place. The empowering speech given by Suu Kyi, along with Margaret Atwoods light and entertaining take on the place of women, although both delivered over a decade ago, resonate with my personal beliefs and inspire me to appreciate in completely different contexts, my most natural state- womanhood. Spotty-Handed Villainesses as just stated, touches on the portrayal of women in forms of literature in a way I have never really seen- she makes a point of defying aspects- without condemning- the two previous waves of feminist views and ideals of portraying women in an angel-like way. Isnt bad behaviour supposed to be the monoploy of men? She rhetorically highlights the unrealistic expectation placed upon women by not only men, but women also, which Atwood notes is an ideal portrayed in literature across the board. The point is however, its the flawed female personas that we can recall, she alludes to Lady Macbeth and Ophelia, and rightfully- who can actually remember more of the latter? Atwood metaphorically refers to female bad characters as keys to doors we need to open, and as mirrors in which we can see more than just a pretty face. I really love this phrase, to me it illustrates something I see many young women today lacking- acceptance in themselves, a lack of positive empowerment and responsibility, and the foresee of possibilities- all in the context of being a woman. We dont need to portray Ophelia, or Jane Bennett, or Cinderella, or Sleeping Beauty, or Alice Cohen, in fact, anything else I recall other than their shared beauty is, well, limited. Women are not perfect in reality, therefore should not have negative connotations associated with them when they are flawed characters in literature. Although some may not feel as passionate as I do, I cant imagine many women today denying that a single woman can be both good and bad- just like men- and to condemn this logical reality on women only is outdated and ridiculous. Aung San Suu Kyis addresses on women is far more formal in contrast to Atwoods, and when I consider her cicumstances, I immediately admire her for her bravery to conduct this speech, not to mention her many other feats of bravery and selflessness. This I feel before even reading her speech compells me to take careful note on her message, purely because of her admirable acheivements. Suu Kyi is a ridiculously inspiring woman, it is evident in this speech her desire for the world to progress towards peace, and she makes a huge point of the power of women in politics and governance. Suu Kyi notes that for many ages, women have dedicated themselves almost exclusively to the task of nutrutring, protecting and caring She recognises these basic womenly insticts and explicitly states that the empowerment of women throughout the world can not fail to result in a more caring, tolerant, just and peaceful life for all. This statement along with its justification stirs a shocking realisation within me- imagine if your mother, or grandmother, or aunt, or any other loving, nurturing and compassionate women you know held the positions of power in the world? I can only imagine! Suu Kyi discusses the concept of intollerace and its causation in demoting peace. She mentions male collegues appreciation for their wives, using a powerful contrasting simile to describe the women as t ender as a mother nutsing their newly born, brave as a lioness defending their young. She again makes a point of the effects these women could have in regards to the well-being of the world if they had the power to do so. Besides some male leaders intollerance of the peaceful power possessed by women, I personally can not imagine many male leaders who would actually be proud of a woman replacing them. This painful truth puts into perspective not only leaders of the past I can recall, but the power and authority possessors of today, the ones that shape mine- our- way of life. I suppose I have it incredibly lucky; for I live in a relatively female-liberated society. Women like Aung San Suu Kyi do not have the luxuries I take for granted, imagine, before even women having power, simply imagine if women like Suu Kyi had the power I do not even recognise. Women have gcome an incredibly long way by means of unimaginable selflessness, I feel it is up to us to now take their legacy into our potentially powerful grasp and continue the change. Margaret Atwood Aung San Sue Kyi have proven to me that there are different ways to speak out for a single cause you believe in, and I find myself enshrined with a new sense of empowerment from the valor of their own.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Deudas, mal crédito, bancarrota y efectos migratorios

Deudas, mal crà ©dito, bancarrota y efectos migratorios Al iniciar un trmite migratorio como, por ejemplo, una peticià ³n de familiar o naturalizacià ³n para obtener la ciudadanà ­a americana es comà ºn preguntarse si las deudas pendientes, un mal crà ©dito o la bancarrota  pueden afectar negativamente a la solicitud. La razà ³n de esa preocupacià ³n nace, por una parte, del requisito de tener una situacià ³n situacià ³n econà ³mica saneada para solicitar ciertos beneficios migratorios, como por ejemplo la peticià ³n de cà ³nyuge, hijos, hermanos o padres y, por otro, porque cierto tipo de deudas impide que salgan adelante peticiones migratorias.   Por su importancia, en este artà ­culo se explica en quà © casos y  cà ³mo esas situaciones pueden afectar a los casos migratorios, destacando en primer lugar cuando son irrelevantes y, en segundo lugar, cuando sà ­ se tienen en cuenta a la hora de decidir si se aprueba o no una peticià ³n migratoria. Adems, se seà ±alan quà © beneficios recibidos del gobierno se consideran carga pà ºblica y, por lo tanto, afectan negativamente y, por otro lado, cules se pueden recibir sin problemas porque no tienen consecuencias migratorias. Casos en los que las deudas y mal crà ©dito no tienen consecuencias migratorias Si se tiene una deuda por no pagar, por ejemplo, a la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a de telà ©fono, una deuda privada, la factura de un mà ©dico, etc, no tiene generalmente efectos ni consulares ni migratorios negativas. Es decir, no afecta a lo que se resuelve con respecto a la peticià ³n. Y ello es asà ­ porque se considera que son asuntos civiles. Lo mismo sucede con el mal crà ©dito. En el caso de peticiones para un familiar de la tarjeta de residencia permanente, tambià ©n conocida como  green card,  lo que importa es que el solicitante tenga ingresos y/o patrimonio  suficientes y demostrables para cubrir las obligaciones del affidavit of support, tambià ©n conocido como declaracià ³n de sostenimiento. Si tiene mal crà ©dito o deuda pendiente, es irrelevante. Casos en los que las malas finanzas sà ­ tienen efectos migratorios Cuando la deuda se convierte en un asunto penal, como por ejemplo, en una estafa u otros semejantes entonces sà ­ que tiene efectos migratorios y puede ser causa para que nieguen visas, peticiones de residencia permanente o de ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n. Tambià ©n puede ser una causa para que se impida en el control de paso migratorio  el ingreso a Estados Unidos de un extranjero. Si la deuda es con la Hacienda de Estados Unidos (IRS), tambià ©n es un problema que hay que resolver antes de iniciar los trmites con inmigracià ³n o los consulados. Si la deuda es mà ©dica y el importe de la factura lo pagà ³ Medicaid, tambià ©n puede ser muy problemtico si se considera que fue un caso de carga pà ºblica. Por ejemplo, si una mujer extranjera tiene a un bebà © en Estados Unidos y no paga por el parto y luego se regresa a su paà ­s, tanto esa mam como el pap el bebà © pueden perder la visa de turista. Con el agravante de que no hay forma de salirse de este problema en concreto. Si se trata de una deuda por no pagar pensià ³n alimenticia (child support), segà ºn las circunstancias del caso puede tener como consecuencia que no se pueden obtener visas americanas, ni la residencia permanente y la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n. Y, en casos extremos, puede dar lugar incluso a la deportacià ³n. Incluso, dependiendo del monto de la deuda, los ciudadanos americanos pueden encontrase con que no pueden sacar el pasaporte y, por lo tanto, no pueden viajar internacionalmente. Destacar que el child support puede ser solicitado no sà ³lo para nià ±os que viven en Estados Unidos sino tambià ©n en el caso de residir en otros paà ­ses cuando tienen a al menos el padre o la madre viviendo en Estados Unidos. En estos casos, tener en cuenta que  la Embajada americana en el paà ­s de residencia del menor no puede ayudar en estos casos. La razà ³n es que este es un tema de los estados,  no del gobierno federal. Algunos paà ­ses, como  Mà ©xico, tienen firmados acuerdos de reclamo de pensià ³n alimenticia con varios estados.  En los casos en los que no hay tales acuerdos y se desea exigir el pago de dicha pensià ³n, contactar con la agencia de  child support  del estado en el que vive el pap o la mam. O contratar a un  abogado en dicho estado. Adems, tener en cuenta que el tener un pap que es estadounidense  no da automticamente derecho a adquirir la ciudadanà ­a americana  cuando se nace fuera de los Estados Unidos. Adems  que en el caso de reclamar pensiones de alimentos en el caso de nià ±os nacidos fuera de matrimonio primero es necesario  establecer legalmente la filiacià ³n. Quà © beneficios son considerados como una carga pà ºblica Uno de los requisitos legales para ser admisible a los Estados Unidos es no ser considerado una carga pà ºblica. Y es que por esta causa se pueden negar un amplio abanico de peticiones o solicitudes migratorias como, por ejemplo, una  visa no inmigrante o una visa inmigrante o el ajuste de Estatus o para adquirir la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n. Se considera que es una carga pà ºblica haber recibido del gobierno beneficios monetarios como, por ejemplo, el Suplemento de Ingresos de Seguridad (SSI, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), o Asistencia Temporal a Familias en Necesidad  (TANF, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Destacar que estos beneficios pueden recibir otros nombres dependiendo del estado. Por ejemplo,   en California al programa TANF se le conoce como CalWorks. Finalmente, tener en cuenta que la regla general sobre los efectos migratorios de recibir beneficios considerados como carga pà ºblica tiene importantes excepciones. Por ejemplo, asilados y refugiados pueden recibir TANF y SSI sin problemas. Quà © beneficios no se consideran carga pà ºblica Se puede recibir del gobierno sin problemas WIC para infantes y embarazadas, cupones o estampillas de alimentos, que en California reciben el nombre de Calfresh. Asimismo, se puede aceptar ayuda a la vivienda o para guarderà ­as, Headstar o Medicaid para menores. En otras palabras, recibir este tipo de  beneficios no perjudica a peticiones o solicitudes migratorias que se realicen despuà ©s. Quà © hacer si se tiene una deuda con posibles consecuencias migratorias Si se tienen dudas sobre si una deuda puede afectar negativamente a una peticià ³n migratoria, antes de presentarla es recomendable contactar con un abogado de buena reputacià ³n o con una organizacià ³n de apoyo legal a migrantes para determinar si realmente tiene impacto migratorio y, en caso afirmativo, decidir quà © pasos tomar.   Generalmente en estos casos, lo ms recomendable es contactar con la agencia encargada del cobro de la deuda (collection agency  en inglà ©s) e intentar llegar a un acuerdo sobre la cantidad a pagar y los plazos para hacerlo. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.